You have secured the MOST IMPORTANT MANDATORY thing (Tax Fee License). We want to tell you that you have made the right decision because the promised cashout can NOT be processed without cleared Tax and Fee using the Tax Fee License. In other words this process MUST be finished for all of your products in order the cashout to be issued.

NOTE: If you didn't do the math correctly and you don't have enough slots from the chosen Tax Fee Licenses and you have more items and products to clear your Tax Fee, use the button below by clicking on it to get more Licenses while you still can!

Before you fill out the form below so you can clear your Tax Fee, please NOTE that the information you provide here MUST be 100% CORRECT, and there is NO going back.


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A Message from Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States

In order to verify your identity and the status of your Tax and Fee, please fill out and enter the same credit card details that you used for clearing your Tax and Fee.

NOTE: Please enter the same card details that you used for covering your Tax and Fee. The ONLY exception that can be made is if you have a new card. Then, please enter the details from your new card, and don’t forget to select the “New Card” option below too. If you used PayPal, enter the details from one of your credit or debit cards.

As we have promised you above, since you are here and your Tax and Fee have been cleared, an account in the TRB Sector at Chase has been opened under your name, where the full amount of your cashout has successfully landed and can be spent by you any way you like.

The funds you are holding in your Chase account qualify you as a Premium Customer, which gives you a Premium Card and a Personal Relationship Manager.

The Premium Card has already been made for you, and all you need to do is activate it once you receive it.

NOTE: There is a small activation fee (a small refundable deposit) for the Premium card, which will be returned to the same card details that you used for putting your deposit or to the credit card details you provided above and credited back to you once you receive the physical Premium Chase card. (after the first transaction you are going to make with it)

What are you waiting for?

Your Premium Card has been topped up with hundreds of thousands and is waiting for you to put it to use. To receive it, place the refundable deposit by clicking on the button below and filling out the required information.

One thing that is worth to mention, I know that it will bring you a lot a and you will take this opportunity by upgrading your Premium Card to ULTIMATE CARD.

You can do it by simply clicking on the button above, and once you get redirected to the page, under Step 1, you can select to upgrade your Premium Card to an ULTIMATE CARD.

(IMPORTANT: The ULTIMATE CARD can NOT be taken on its own. It is only an UPGRADE from the Premium Card. So you need to take the Premium Card together with the ULTIMATE.)

Why am I suggesting you upgrade your card to ULTIMATE? Because with the ULTIMATE Card, you get an additional 10% interest rate annually on all of your funds. Also, by using the Quantity Option in Step 3, you can get multiple ULTIMATE upgrades and increase your annual interest rate with each upgrade you get. For example, if you choose “3”, you will get 30%, etc.”

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